Monday, August 20, 2012


I would love to meet Director/Producer Mr. James Cameron.  I think he is a great Artist and Visionary, and we have a lot in common.  I know that all of his work is original.  This man is a true Artist who never copies anybody's style because he has his own style. I love that about him.  I am in the midst of doing a screenplay on my supernatural thriller The Covering which has a tremendously shocking ending that no reader will forget.  I would love for Mr. Cameron to read my novel.  Writing screenplays is a hard task, but it can also be a lot of fun, especially when you begin doing the re-writes and see what all you really don't need in a scene.  It's amazing!  I believe all Writers should try to do a screenplay on their work.  Celtx. is a free screenplay software, and literally does all of the work for you.  I certainly hope to see my dream come true. As I said I am a member of Stage 32 where there are a lot of Directors, Actors, Producers and maybe one or two of them knows how to reach Mr. James Cameron.  I would love to sit down and have lunch with him.


My fondest and dearest dream and wish is to meet Mr. James Cameron, Director and Producer face to face and have lunch with him to discuss my novels.  Mr. James Cameron is the greatest Artist of our time. There have been many who have said that there is no other like Mr. Alfred Hitchcock.  That may well be true, but we must remember that Mr. Alfred Hitchcock was the master of "his" time period which was a long time ago. 
What truly saddens me is when I see the Directors of this day copying his style when they should be original, and have a style of their own.  There is one I will not name who blatantly copies Mr. Hitchcock's style, and truly his movies are not that great, except for one that I can think of. As a Novelist myself I believe in being original in my work. There has been nothing done before I did it is my motto.  Writing unusual stories is what gets us noticed eventually, and exposure is truly important to all Artists in the entertainment industry.  Yes, Novelists are part of the entertainment industry, because if your writing does nothing else it should entertain your readers. They should want to see more and more from you. My supernatural thrillers The Covering and Syroia are very fast-paced, page-turners that will grab any readers, especially lovers of this genre by the first two or three pages. That's what a novel is supposed to do....grab the reader right away, not when their into the 2nd or 3rd chapter of the book.  I am now in the process of writing a screenplay for The Covering, which has a very shocking ending no reader will be able to forget. At the end of that story your jaw will drop because you won't be able to believe it.  I have submitted a screenplay for one of my short stories entitled "The Voice" which got great feedback.  I love getting feedback on my work because it teaches me what to do, how to do it, and most of all what NOT to do.  Make no mistake writing a screenplay is not an easy task. Then there are so many re-writes that are needed. Trust me....they ARE needed. It is not something that you can breeze through, but it is definitely a lot of fun. Of course writing a screenplay for a short story is entirely different from writing a screenplay for a whole novel, and a lot more work, but still a lot of fun.  I am a member of Stage 32 where there are a lot of Directors, Actors, and Producers. If any of them have had the honor of meeting Mr. James Cameron maybe they can help me out here.  I love this man's work, and has I said he is a true Artist, and one of the greatest of our time.  I challenge any Writer or Novelist if you have written a novel try to write a screenplay for that novel.  Keep in mind that celtx. screenplay software if free but it will do until you can buy something better. It literally does the work for you when typing your screenplay. Also, judging from the movies that Hollywood is putting out now they NEED material in the WORST WAY!!!   Mr. Cameron's movies have been the best out there so far. This man is a true Artist and his work is HIS work....original! I love all of his movies. He actually sat down and thought of a story then told it to us.  One thing I really hope for is that they will please get over "Final Destination" and "Harry Potter" because they have been thoroughly exhausted to the hilt. No more please!  It is easy to tell that the Writers were hard-pressed to come up with a story, and that those in Hollywood are hard-pressed to try anything new.   Still, my fondest wish is to sit down and talk to the greatest Director/Producer that we have in our midst now, Mr. James Cameron.