Saturday, April 28, 2012


It is my Lord and Savior, JESUS  CHRIST,  who inspires all of my writings.   He is the Giver of creativity and imagination, and Him alone.  Without Him I couldn't write anything.   IT is my God Who gave me the name "THE MAGICIAN" of Novelists not me myself.   The Glory is ALL His not mine!   I am more than thrilled that He thinks that much of me.  I am just the pen in His Almighty Hand and nothing more.  I never make myself out to be more than I am because it is ALL HIM!!!  They are His Gifts to me and I treasure them.  If you know Him in any way you can understand what I am saying.   My novels "The Covering" and "Syroia" are fast-paced and very hard to put down.......just like MAGIC!!!   It's all Him not me!   And I give credit where the credit is due, folks.   Trust in Him and He Will do the same for you, believe me.

Before you begin to write any story you have to have the characters in the story in mind first and foremost.  You have to take notes.......lots of them.  They may come at three o'clock in the morning. Get up and write them down or you WILL forget them!  Choose your characters and build the story you want to tell around them.  Of course this is in fictional stories only.  Next, what's your plot?   Characters and plot.......sometimes a novel will write itself.  Trust me!

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