Wednesday, November 30, 2011
MY Supernatural thrillers "THE COVERING" and "SYROIA" are two novels no reader will be able to put down. I hate to keep sounding like a broken record but nothing could be more true. I hope my fans will take a look at the great reviews that "THE COVERING" is getting online at, Barnes&,, and (BAM) which is a site I happened to find by coincidence because there ARE NO accidents, folks. "SYROIA" is getting great reviews as well. I believe my readers know by now that "THE COVERING" like "SYROIA" is filled with drama as well as excitement, suspense, mystery, and a lot of shock for readers. Believe me! The shock value in "THE COVERING" especially will keep you talking about the novel long after you've read it. I was a little incensed when a Screenwriter tried to compare my novel with "TWILIGHT" which wasn't even an itch in somebody's fingers in 1998 when THE COVERING was written. "THE COVERING" is NOTHING, and do mean NOTHING like "TWILIGHT" in any way, shape, form or fashion. There is no "soap-opera" aspect in "THE COVERING". Both of my novels deal with family horror as well as family love. Because in the end it is love that saves the protagonists as well as those they hold dear in their lives. For Christmas I have made my novels, hardcover, paperback, and "SYROIA" in ebook format affordable for my fans because you are very important to me. Tell me where you can get a hardcover novel for $12.00 in this country!! I would love to know. But both "SYROIA" and "THE COVERING" in hardcover format I am making available when you order from me at the price of $12.00 plus tax of course. Paperbacks are $8.00 and $7.50. You all know we can't get away from the ever-present taxes in this country. However, as I stated my fans are important to me, and I truly hope you all who read my novels will take a little bit of time out to post your review online at Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, as well as It would mean so much to me. Every person who has read my novels say the same thing......"I just couldn't put it down!" So Merry Christmas to all of my fans, and let me hear from you so I can send you a copy. My webstore is on my or
Love to all of you, and I hope you will take "THE COVERING" and "SYROIA" with all of their drama, suspense, mystery, shock, and excitement into the New Year (2012) with you. You'll be talking about them both all year long. Don't forget to let me know what you think of them when you post your reviews. I would surely love that! May God Bless you all throughout the coming year. All of my writings are dedicated to Him because without Him I wouldn't be able to write the stuff I write. And I wouldn't have HIS wonderful gifts of creativity and imagination!! HE IS ANYTHING BUT BORING, FOLKS! You'd be surprised.Merry Christmas with "SYROIA" and "THE COVERING"
Friday, November 18, 2011
I want everyone out there, especially Authors and Novelists who want their work to be fairly, and honestly reviewed to stay away from BOOKREVIEWERLIST.COM These people promise much, but deliver nothing. If you see them on the web and believe they can help you, you couldn't be more wrong.
For $99.00 I was promised that my supernatural thriller THE COVERING would be sent (via pdf. format) to the over 3,000 book reviewers that they have in their database to be reviewed. This occurred in September, 2011. To date I have received a press release and ONE book review, which is totally unacceptable for the $99.00 I paid.
I could have done this myself. My publisher AuthorHouse already did a press release on THE COVERING, and I have gotten rave reviews on the novel WITHOUT spending $99.00 of my hard earned money that I really couldn't afford.
Not only that, once I paid them the $99.00 they became "unreachable" if you know what I mean. Numerous telephone calls have never been returned, nor several emails. However, when I went on their blog I got a short, but curt response.
TO ALL AUTHORS OUT THERE WHO WANT REVIEWS ON THEIR NOVELS: Stay away from please! As you will not get what will be promised to you. As I said I was promised that THE COVERING would be SENT OUT TO VARIOUS book reviewers, but it was not! THINK first before you give up your money to people like this please! With the power of the social media these days you really do not need as you can reach people yourself regarding your work, and it won't cost you nearly $100.00 to do it. I cannot express enough how disappointed I am with this group. They promised me that the pdf format of THE COVERING would be sent out to their book reviewers. But it was not! Think long and hard, and get feed-back on groups like this before you give up your money.
"THE COVERING" is getting FIVE (5) star reviews from book reviewers who have read it, and "SYROIA" is doing very well,too. PLEASE GET YOUR COPY OF THESE GREAT AND UNUSUAL SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS THAT ARE LIKE NOTHING ANY LOVER OF THIS GENRE HAS EVER READ BEFORE. You won't be able to put them down!!!
For $99.00 I was promised that my supernatural thriller THE COVERING would be sent (via pdf. format) to the over 3,000 book reviewers that they have in their database to be reviewed. This occurred in September, 2011. To date I have received a press release and ONE book review, which is totally unacceptable for the $99.00 I paid.
I could have done this myself. My publisher AuthorHouse already did a press release on THE COVERING, and I have gotten rave reviews on the novel WITHOUT spending $99.00 of my hard earned money that I really couldn't afford.
Not only that, once I paid them the $99.00 they became "unreachable" if you know what I mean. Numerous telephone calls have never been returned, nor several emails. However, when I went on their blog I got a short, but curt response.
TO ALL AUTHORS OUT THERE WHO WANT REVIEWS ON THEIR NOVELS: Stay away from please! As you will not get what will be promised to you. As I said I was promised that THE COVERING would be SENT OUT TO VARIOUS book reviewers, but it was not! THINK first before you give up your money to people like this please! With the power of the social media these days you really do not need as you can reach people yourself regarding your work, and it won't cost you nearly $100.00 to do it. I cannot express enough how disappointed I am with this group. They promised me that the pdf format of THE COVERING would be sent out to their book reviewers. But it was not! Think long and hard, and get feed-back on groups like this before you give up your money.
"THE COVERING" is getting FIVE (5) star reviews from book reviewers who have read it, and "SYROIA" is doing very well,too. PLEASE GET YOUR COPY OF THESE GREAT AND UNUSUAL SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS THAT ARE LIKE NOTHING ANY LOVER OF THIS GENRE HAS EVER READ BEFORE. You won't be able to put them down!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
The book signing for my supernatural thriller "SYROIA" was a great success on October 27th, 2011. It was more than I hoped for as a matter of fact. Yet I must give all of the credit to my Lord and my Master God Almighty for my continued success as an Author of what He wants me to write,and that is in the supernatural thriller genre. I have an Anthology of Supernatural Thrillers that I would like to have published as well as the re-publishing of my supernatural thriller "IN THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS". Tyla Davidson is a middle-aged woman, and as she returns home from the funeral of a dearly beloved relative she sits down at her kitchen table, and reflects upon her past. A past filled with tragedy, secrecy, terror, and murder. Tyla will take readers on a journey from her childhood to middle-age, and her story is about all that happens to her and her siblings in between. There is a terror in her family that is awaiting her 21st birthday, and not only one, but three horrendous demons, who believe through possessing her soul they can wreak havoc on the family that they felt in life betrayed them. Tyla and her sister, Emma, who meets a tragic and terrible end early in her life, learn that they as well as their brothers were born into a family of witches. Still, this shocking and horrifying revelation cannot stop the inevitable, which is what she and her family must do to free themselves and find peace forever. "IN THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS" was first published by Dorrance in November, 2007. But due to editing problems did not fair well. Yet, I promise my readers that this time around it will be very different. This is the story of a woman who has had to endure great horror in her life, but a horror that according to her elders could not have been prevented no matter what. A terrible horror that began with one nefarious witch, but did not die when she did. Yet, ultimately this terror must end with the destruction of this horrifying spirit or Tyla, and her family will be lost forever. I cannot wait to have this novel, a true supernatural thriller re-published as, like SYROIA and THE COVERING, it is a novel that no reader will be able to put down easily, and one they definitely will not be able to forget.
Please see my online interview with Author Ms. Gwyn Weyant as it was a very interesting one. I have dealt with supernatural forces all of my life, and I thank my God for the great sensitivity He has given me to that world. It can be a frightening one, but I don't believe you can write about something that you've never experienced
Believe me, I have been greatly blessed by my God because writing is a fire in my blood, directly from Him and Him Alone! It has to come from Him!
I am very anxious for my next book signing which will be of "THE COVERING". Celia and her sister, Drew, are two, normal teenage sisters who reside with a family that is hiding a dark secret that they have held for nearly two hundred years. Their journey is terrifying as they delve into much mystery as they uncover this horrible secret. When they discover what their family members are it is truly horrifying indeed......Celia is seventeen years old, and terrified of thunder and lightning. For some reason she associates it with the night that her grandfather left them.......or should I say was destroyed by an angry mob in the town where they lived, which was one of many. Since they moved around quite a lot because people always vanished, and were later found "TORN APART AS IF BY A WILD ANIMAL". What she and her sister cannot understand is why their family members, especially their grandfather were always suspects in those murders. And no wild animals ever abided in the areas where they lived.....
Please see my online interview with Author Ms. Gwyn Weyant as it was a very interesting one. I have dealt with supernatural forces all of my life, and I thank my God for the great sensitivity He has given me to that world. It can be a frightening one, but I don't believe you can write about something that you've never experienced
Believe me, I have been greatly blessed by my God because writing is a fire in my blood, directly from Him and Him Alone! It has to come from Him!
I am very anxious for my next book signing which will be of "THE COVERING". Celia and her sister, Drew, are two, normal teenage sisters who reside with a family that is hiding a dark secret that they have held for nearly two hundred years. Their journey is terrifying as they delve into much mystery as they uncover this horrible secret. When they discover what their family members are it is truly horrifying indeed......Celia is seventeen years old, and terrified of thunder and lightning. For some reason she associates it with the night that her grandfather left them.......or should I say was destroyed by an angry mob in the town where they lived, which was one of many. Since they moved around quite a lot because people always vanished, and were later found "TORN APART AS IF BY A WILD ANIMAL". What she and her sister cannot understand is why their family members, especially their grandfather were always suspects in those murders. And no wild animals ever abided in the areas where they lived.....
Friday, October 14, 2011
Miss Cheyenne Mitchell's "SYROIA" is a supernatural thriller that no reader will be able to put down. It tells the story of a wealthy, young man named, Arquito Desmunde, who because of an unfortunate occurrence in time, is tortured and tormented for three long years by the demonic spirit of a long-dead murderer. As Quito tells his story of horror the reader will feel as if he is sitting right next to them. Because this monstrous entity is not who he always believed it was, but someone from the past, only not his past. And one who has been tormenting members of his family for generations. It is an unholy terror that has never been able to find peace. "SYROIA" is just in time for Halloween, and a supernatural thriller unlike any other that has been written. You won't be able to put the book down until you reach the story's ending.
ebook - $ 16.99 HARDCOVER - $24.59 SOFTCOVER - $19.99
Miss Cheyenne Mitchell has loved writing since the age of six years old when she began writing poetry in the first grade. She has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism/Communications from Temple University. Also, she is a mother and grandmother whose writings have been inspired by God Who is her inspiration. You won't want to miss this talented and gifted Author of supernatural thrillers in honor of Halloween on
October 27th, 2011 at 5:00-6:00pm at THE OVERBROOK PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY -7422 Haverford Ave., Phila.,PA
19151 email:
ebook - $ 16.99 HARDCOVER - $24.59 SOFTCOVER - $19.99
Miss Cheyenne Mitchell has loved writing since the age of six years old when she began writing poetry in the first grade. She has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism/Communications from Temple University. Also, she is a mother and grandmother whose writings have been inspired by God Who is her inspiration. You won't want to miss this talented and gifted Author of supernatural thrillers in honor of Halloween on
October 27th, 2011 at 5:00-6:00pm at THE OVERBROOK PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY -7422 Haverford Ave., Phila.,PA
19151 email:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
SYROIA - A Supernatural Thriller No Reader Will Be Able To Put Down
Press Release- SYROIA My supernatural thriller SYROIA is getting off to a great start. Every single person who has read it said that they could not put the book down until the story's ending. That's what a novel should do no matter what genre it is. There is nothing worse than picking up a novel, especially a supernatural thriller, and the reader is bored by the third or even the fourth page. I write the kind of stuff that I myself like to read. Furthermore, I can draw on my own experiences with the forces of the supernatural.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** POSTED BY AuthorHouse - September, 2011
PHILADELPHIA - Miss Cheyenne Mitchell's new novel, "THE COVERING" (published by AuthorHouse) tells the story of Celia and Drew, two teenage sisters who are beloved by a devoted, wonderful and caring family. However, the happy face of this family may merely be a facade covering deep, dark secrets.
As Celia and Drew grow older, in spite of the deep love that covers them both, their loved ones become an enigma to them, because they do not appear to be as normal as they believe them to be. The two young sisters eventually discover a dark, nefarious, and horrifying secret about their family members that inevitably changes their lives forever.
She put her face in her hands and started sobbing softly.
Her husband my uncle, Marcus, tried to comfort her. "Who would
kill Grandfather, Mama?" I asked my mother and I saw the
tears in her eyes. She hugged me closely but she never did
answer my question. It seemed like she couldn't talk about
it right then for some reason.
As best as my sister and I could figure out, by listening to
Aunt Jada rant and rave, the people in Wesbury had cornered
our grandfather. It happened somewhere between our house
and the outskirts of the town then they killed him. There was
nothing that the Sheriff, or his Deputies could do to stop them
either. I guess there is nothing that you can do with an angry
In "THE COVERING" readers will uncover - along with Celia and Drew - incredible, and unimaginable secrets. This is a thrilling and shocking adventure sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats.
PHILADELPHIA - Miss Cheyenne Mitchell's new novel, "THE COVERING" (published by AuthorHouse) tells the story of Celia and Drew, two teenage sisters who are beloved by a devoted, wonderful and caring family. However, the happy face of this family may merely be a facade covering deep, dark secrets.
As Celia and Drew grow older, in spite of the deep love that covers them both, their loved ones become an enigma to them, because they do not appear to be as normal as they believe them to be. The two young sisters eventually discover a dark, nefarious, and horrifying secret about their family members that inevitably changes their lives forever.
She put her face in her hands and started sobbing softly.
Her husband my uncle, Marcus, tried to comfort her. "Who would
kill Grandfather, Mama?" I asked my mother and I saw the
tears in her eyes. She hugged me closely but she never did
answer my question. It seemed like she couldn't talk about
it right then for some reason.
As best as my sister and I could figure out, by listening to
Aunt Jada rant and rave, the people in Wesbury had cornered
our grandfather. It happened somewhere between our house
and the outskirts of the town then they killed him. There was
nothing that the Sheriff, or his Deputies could do to stop them
either. I guess there is nothing that you can do with an angry
In "THE COVERING" readers will uncover - along with Celia and Drew - incredible, and unimaginable secrets. This is a thrilling and shocking adventure sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats.
A Supernatural Thriller Unlike Any Other: Posted by 2011
"THE COVERING" is a supernatural thriller by Miss Cheyenne Mitchell, the Author of "SYROIA" and "In The Light Of Darkness", is the story of Celia and Drew, two teenage sisters who are part of a loving family that is hiding something evil. Mitchell's story is absolutely spellbinding, captivating readers with its' exciting plot, compelling characters, and unexpected secrets.
Their family has moved from place to place, driven out by people and children who think that the girls and their family are strange, taunting them and throwing stones at them, the same children who were once their friends; "...eventually everything would change, and always because of our grandfather and the rest of our family members," calling their grandfather a murderer and the rest of their family dangerous. In each town in which they live, there is always a series of mysterious disappearances that are traced back to their family members by the circumstantial evidence that each time someone disappears, they were last seen with a member of their family before being found "torn apart as if by a wild animal".
As they grow older, the sisters realize that their family is not as normal as they believed that they were and their family's reticence to talk about certain things starts to make sense to them. The girls are plagued by questions that they struggle to answer, asking themselves questions that include why their grandfather's body was never found and if he is really dead. Celia and Drew discover a dark secret that the family has been hiding for years, changing their lives forever; "They harbored a dark and morally revolting secret. But it was nothing compared to the other diabolical secret that all of them guarded."
As the plot unfolds and secrets are revealed, readers will not be able to put the book down, kept on the edges of their seats by the nail-biting tension. Mitchell's story is UNLIKE any other supernatural thriller that you have ever read, entertaining with suspense, mystery, and excitement. Indeed, A PAGE-TURNING MUST-READ!!!!
Archer Anderson
1501 Broadway - 12th floor
New York, New York 10036-5601
A Supernatural Thriller Unlike Any Other: Posted by 2011
"THE COVERING" is a supernatural thriller by Miss Cheyenne Mitchell, the Author of "SYROIA" and "In The Light Of Darkness", is the story of Celia and Drew, two teenage sisters who are part of a loving family that is hiding something evil. Mitchell's story is absolutely spellbinding, captivating readers with its' exciting plot, compelling characters, and unexpected secrets.
Their family has moved from place to place, driven out by people and children who think that the girls and their family are strange, taunting them and throwing stones at them, the same children who were once their friends; "...eventually everything would change, and always because of our grandfather and the rest of our family members," calling their grandfather a murderer and the rest of their family dangerous. In each town in which they live, there is always a series of mysterious disappearances that are traced back to their family members by the circumstantial evidence that each time someone disappears, they were last seen with a member of their family before being found "torn apart as if by a wild animal".
As they grow older, the sisters realize that their family is not as normal as they believed that they were and their family's reticence to talk about certain things starts to make sense to them. The girls are plagued by questions that they struggle to answer, asking themselves questions that include why their grandfather's body was never found and if he is really dead. Celia and Drew discover a dark secret that the family has been hiding for years, changing their lives forever; "They harbored a dark and morally revolting secret. But it was nothing compared to the other diabolical secret that all of them guarded."
As the plot unfolds and secrets are revealed, readers will not be able to put the book down, kept on the edges of their seats by the nail-biting tension. Mitchell's story is UNLIKE any other supernatural thriller that you have ever read, entertaining with suspense, mystery, and excitement. Indeed, A PAGE-TURNING MUST-READ!!!!
Archer Anderson
1501 Broadway - 12th floor
New York, New York 10036-5601
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I would like to thank all of my fans that read and love my novel SYROIA. Believe me, you will absolutely love THE COVERING, which is the story of two, teenage sisters, Celia and Drew Bellis, who through a lot of anguish, discover a dark, and terrifying secret that their family members have been harboring. However, I would like to talk about SYROIA for a moment please. I have seen some of the reviews on SYROIA, and I am pleased with them. However, the last thing I want is for my novel, which is a SUPERNATURAL THRILLER, to be confused with a CRIME/DETECTIVE novel, which I believe is what is happening among some readers of SYROIA. There will be no dna testing, or extensive police investigation wherever a demonic force is involved. The person that this story is about, Arquito Desmunde, is a VICTIM himself. The novel is solely about him, and what happened to him because of a monstrous force hidden in his family's past. This young man is not a killer, but was forced to commit terrible things. How do you get DNA from a demon? What are police going to investigate? How do you investigate a demonic force? And, if so what are you going to do about it? I ask that SYROIA please be approached for the genre that it is. A SUPERNATURAL THRILLER. It deals with the SUPERNATURAL!! It is NOT a CRIME/DETECTIVE novel. One reviewer of SYROIA understood the novel a little bit, but not very much. However, if you approach it from the SUPERNATURAL view point it would all be very clear to you what the story is actually about. You must look at the protagonist as a VICTIM not a KILLER as he is NOT doing these things of himself. He is being CONTROLLED by something beyond his control. I just wanted my readers of SYROIA to remember that when they read the story, because if they do you will understand it as well as enjoy it even more. Thank you, and lots of love! NOTE: If you are a lover of romance novels you should not be reviewing Supernatural Thrillers! Stick with the genre that you love, because your review will do it justice and be fair. I have one review that I liked but I don't think was fair because the reviewer didn't read supernatural thrillers. However, they decided to review SYROIA. I wish now that they hadn't because it brought SYROIA'S review rating down a notch. Please! If you are a book reviewer stick with the genre that you usually deal with, and don't go out of that circle. It won't be fair to the Novelist's work that you are trying to review.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Well, we all know as new Authors how hard it is to get your novel out there into the market for millions to see. I am not a new Author, but this aint my first rodeo either. I cannot tell you how important editing is for your novel. It can make or break a novel. I believe the worst novel that I've ever read was "DANCES WITH WOLVES" and look how that turned out. However, editing is extremely important, and it is hard for us as Authors to do it on our own. Yet, if you have to pay someone else to do it, it is worth it. I had to find that out the hard way with my first novel, IN THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS, which I plan to have re-published. The use of Twitter can be very important to a new Author when you are trying to reach a lot of people as well. We all know that there is a lot of junk on Twitter. And if you've ever been on there you know what I'm talking about. But you can use Twitter for business. Also, a lot of celebrities use Twitter. I have the good fortune to have a Justin Bieber fan following me, or who knows, it could be him, himself. I don't know yet. The point is it's good for advertising, and that's what you want. Book reviews are also extremely important to Authors as they are publicity. When you are going after a book review (and try to get as many as you can), stay in your genre. In other words, don't go to a Reviewer or Writer of Romance novels if you write in the Horror genre, or the Supernatural Thriller genre. If you do, the review will not be fair. Stay in your genre when going after book reviewers. is a very good place to start. The cost is $99.00 per novel, but they have a data base of over 3,000 book reviewers. Also, they cover your novel is newspapers, magazines, etc. which is where you as an Author want your book to be reviewed. Remember, nothing happens overnight. It takes time and work to get out there. Trust in your work as well as in yourself. If you know you're good others will know it, too, once they see your work. Try to get into places like where there are many many great Novelists and Authors as well as Reviewers. If you don't have a blog go on google and get one. Make your blog informative and helpful or useful to people who are going to see it. As I learn more I will gladly share more. I hope this helps you in some small way on becoming the millionaire you strive to be, as I strive to be one myself. Oops! A billionaire!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Miss Cheyenne Mitchell -Supernatural Thrillers: MISS CHEYENNE MITCHELL - AUTHOR OF SUPERNATURAL TH...
Miss Cheyenne Mitchell -Supernatural Thrillers: MISS CHEYENNE MITCHELL - AUTHOR OF SUPERNATURAL TH...: As an Author/Novelist I have learned quite a few things along the way in this business. This is not my "first rodeo" as Dr. Phil likes to p...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
As an Author/Novelist I have learned quite a few things along the way in this business. This is not my "first rodeo" as Dr. Phil likes to point out on his wonderful, and informative television show. It takes years sometimes to sit down, and pen a novel as some of you well know. Then there is the editing, and more editing, trying to get reviews (which are extremely important) of our novels. In other words getting them out there in the world for people to read, and enjoy. Once your novel is published, depending on the Publisher, make sure it is seen (with the cover image) at online retailers. Another tip is to take copies of your novel to book stores around town. Make an appointment first with the Managers of those stores once you get their names, and ask them to carry at least four or five copies of your novel, of course you will give them something fair on each sale. When you do take a "sell sheet" which depicts your profile, a synopsis of the novel, and the cover picture of the book. Don't forget to connect with other Authors in your genre. Many of them can be found on Twitter's Listorious List. Go into the "SEARCH" engine and type in the Authors that write what you write, ex: Authors of romance novels. An entire listing will come up for you. Connect with those Authors on Twitter. Email would be better, but that can come later on. Use the Timeline on Twitter to subscribe to some of these Authors. Usually, this is a very good way to get yourself connected to them and them to you. Don't forget to advertise your work as much as you can in the small space that you have to write in on Twitter, usually 140 characters, which is not a lot. Remember, there is a lot of junk on Twitter, but celebrities use it, too. Reach out to people on LinkedIn, and Facebook. If you don't have these accounts open one for yourself. There are many ways to get your book out there. Most book signings help, but unless you are already famous in the market don't expect hundreds of people to show up for your book signing. Don't be afraid to ask someone who loves your genre to review your book and post their reviews where they will definitely be seen by a lot of people. Reviews are extremely important for us as Authors. A good place for reviews is It costs but they have a data base of around 3,000 reviewers that deal with book stores, newspapers, magazines and a lot more. Your book review will be seen, and fair.
As an Author/Novelist of Supernatural Thrillers I am trying to build my fan base with readers who love that genre. A lover of these kinds of novels will be a great book reviewer. A lover of romance novels or adventure novels will not do you justice. Please see the excerpts from my new Supernatural Thrillers out now entitled "SYROIA" and "THE COVERING" on my blog. has many book reviewers, and my first review of "SYROIA" is there. Also, if you are on LinkedIn you can ask for "recommendations" from those you are linked in with. "Recommendations" are only asking someone to say a few words about your novel. If they are not familiar with you there is always pdf. format of your novel that you can send to them free of charge IF THEY ARE INTERESTED. I hope this information is helpful for you, and I truly hope you will become a fan of mine as "SYROIA" ( as I heard from one Reviewer of it) will give you chills!!! And, The Covering, is just filled with great suspense, and mystery that you won't forget. Lots of love to my would-be fans, and I hope my information helps you as it has helped me. As an Author/Novelist I know how hard it can be to get out there, but with the social media available to all of us these days it's a lot easier than it used to be. And, don't forget seminars or webinars as they are very informative as well as important. Lots of luck! Please see my website -
As an Author/Novelist of Supernatural Thrillers I am trying to build my fan base with readers who love that genre. A lover of these kinds of novels will be a great book reviewer. A lover of romance novels or adventure novels will not do you justice. Please see the excerpts from my new Supernatural Thrillers out now entitled "SYROIA" and "THE COVERING" on my blog. has many book reviewers, and my first review of "SYROIA" is there. Also, if you are on LinkedIn you can ask for "recommendations" from those you are linked in with. "Recommendations" are only asking someone to say a few words about your novel. If they are not familiar with you there is always pdf. format of your novel that you can send to them free of charge IF THEY ARE INTERESTED. I hope this information is helpful for you, and I truly hope you will become a fan of mine as "SYROIA" ( as I heard from one Reviewer of it) will give you chills!!! And, The Covering, is just filled with great suspense, and mystery that you won't forget. Lots of love to my would-be fans, and I hope my information helps you as it has helped me. As an Author/Novelist I know how hard it can be to get out there, but with the social media available to all of us these days it's a lot easier than it used to be. And, don't forget seminars or webinars as they are very informative as well as important. Lots of luck! Please see my website -
Friday, August 12, 2011
The next thing I knew I was in my car sitting behind the steering wheel, but I had no idea how I got there. Suddenly I didn't feel like myself anymore. When I looked in the rear view mirror there was a terrible expression on my face. It was mean and cruel, and didn't look like me at all. I was looking into the face of someone I didn't know.
I could feel hatred and rage welling up inside me, but I didn't know why it was there. I heard soft laughter again coming from somewhere and someone I couldn't see. As I looked all around me nobody was there. Then I saw Anella and Greg coming out of her house. They got into his car, and when they pulled off I followed them in my car. In fact, I followed them all that night.
They went to a nightclub in Lorraine that night which was twenty miles away from Syroia. I followed them into the club, and stayed there for as long as they did. When they left the club I continued to follow them. They came back to Syroia and drove to Baron's Lane, which was a secluded area where lovers went to have some privacy.
I watched them as they had sex in the back seat of Greg's car and I could feel the rage inside me growing. "You stinking, little whore!" I thought angrily. "Kill them both!" I heard a strange, unknown voice say to me startling me. I continued to watch Anella and Greg, and the more I did the more enraged I got.
After about an hour or so they decided to leave, and I was still following them. Greg dropped Anella off in front of her house, and waited until she was safely inside. When he pulled off I pulled off behind him and followed him to his house. "Kill him!" I heard a strange voice again.
I watched as Greg parked his car in their driveway, then he got out of his car and went into his house. A light came on in one of the living room areas after that. Then it went out, and an upstairs light came on after that. When that light went out I knew he had gone to bed. So I got out of my car, and walked toward his house. My head began to hurt more and more, and the pain became excruciating.
I wanted to get inside Greg's house but I didn't know why. However, I could see no way to do that, so I continued to search for a way inside the house. Everybody on the Hill had an alarm system so I knew I had to be careful.
"The basement window is open," said the strange, unknown voice. So I walked around the house until I found the window to the basement that had been left slightly ajar. Someone unseen was guiding me in this terrible, wicked deed.
I entered the house through that basement window as the voice had instructed me to do. It was very dark, but I could see as clearly as if all of the lights were turned on. I climbed the basement stairs. When I reached the door that lead into the first floor of the house it wasn't locked when I turned the knob.
I walked into the kitchen area and looked around the big room. Then I went into the den, the dining areas and the living room areas. I reached the staircase leading to the second floor, and knew Greg was up there. So I climbed the long staircase.
When I reached the second floor I turned the knob to each bedroom door that I came to, and peeked inside. Everyone was fast asleep. I continued searching until I found Greg, and when I did he was sound asleep, too.
I walked into his bedroom and stood over him. My head was really hurting me by then. As he laid there I stared at him studying his features. I wondered again what Anella saw in him that I didn't have.
While I was standing there everything started getting dark around me again. I was looking at Greg through the haze that had become stronger by then. After that I went to the bedrooms where other members of his family were then on to the bedrooms where the house crew were. I was moving throughout the house inside the strange haze that had swallowed me up again as if I was nothing.
I found Greg's two sisters, his parents, the cooks, the maids and the Butler, and stood over each one of them that night as they slept. Strangely, I admired the interior of their mansion, too. It seemed like I was there for hours before I finally decided to leave. I left the house by the same basement window.
When I got outside I noticed that I was splattered with blood again. "Oh, my God!" I cried stunned. I had blood all over me just like before. "Where did all of this blood come from?!" I wondered and I got scared. As quickly as I could I got back into my car and drove home.
I pulled into our driveway, and stripped off all of my clothing right there, still in shock that I was covered with blood. I heard something fall to the ground, and it was the same knife I had seen before so I picked it up. I got the garden hose, and washed my clothing down then I washed my body, too. After that I folded the clothes, and carried them into the house with me. I left them in the laundry room and put on a clean, dry tee shirt and shorts that were there.
I had seen that knife inside my car before, and it was stained with blood. It looked like the same one I saw on the kitchen counter top on the morning of my birthday. "Where did that come from?" I asked myself. Hurriedly I put it into the trunk of my car. I noticed there was a trash bag in there, but I didn't know what was inside it and I didn't look.
I washed my car inside and out, and there was no trace of blood anywhere when I was finished. "I wonder where all of that blood came from?" I thought. I checked my body for any cuts but there were none. I turned around to go back inside the house. There, directly in front of me, stood the strange man with that terrible smirk on his lips. "W-who are you?" I asked him frightened.
Suddenly he burst into soft, evil laughter. It was an eerie, unearthly laughter that caused me to shudder. I could barely see the faint image of a woman standing behind him that I had never seen before. After that everything went black.
"Quito! Quito, wake up!" I heard someone calling my name. When I opened my eyes it was dawn, and my niece, Kerma, was crouched over me. "Quito," she said, "What are you doing out here? You don't have anything on but your underwear." I looked down at my body. She was right! I was laying on our front lawn in nothing but my underwear, and I was stunned!
"How did I get out here like this?" I asked my niece as if she would know. "That's what I was going to ask you," she replied. "You better hurry up and get into the house before someone sees you." I got up and ran into the house.
I remained in my bedroom for the rest of that day trying my best to figure out how I got outside on our front lawn in nothing but my underwear. I couldn't remember anything, except looking at myself in the mirror behind the bar in our den on the night before. Beyond that everything was a blank. I knew Kerma wouldn't mention my being outside on the lawn half naked to anybody.
Two days passed by before the Newsome family, and their house crew were all found dead inside their mansion. And I was as shocked about it as everybody else was in Syroia. I couldn't believe it.
"I don't understand what is happening around here," said my Dad. "I wish they would hurry up and catch this maniac!" "Me, too, dear," said my mother patting his hand gently. Both of my parents were extremely upset about the Newsome family as was everybody else about the gruesome killings.
"It all started so suddenly. Don't you think?" asked Aunt Bella. "You're right," said Lucie. "I'm wondering if I should take my children and leave here for a while." "You'll do no such thing," said my Dad adamantly. "It's getting pretty dangerous around here, Dad!" cried Lucie. "And, frankly I'm scared!"
"We have a good alarm system in here," said my Dad. "I'll bet the Newsomes had a pretty good one, too," replied Barrio. "Okay," said Kedron. "Let's not get all bent out of shape yet. Because I'm sure Theron and his Deputies will get this creep before long." My nephews, Larry and Darnell, were scared, too, like everybody else was.
"Dad told us that something like this happened around here about twenty years or so ago," said Darnell a little worried. "They never did catch the killer either, and the Sheriff had an idea who it was." Obviously, Kedron had not mentioned Ross's name to them.
"Yeah," added Larry nervously. "S-suppose this is a repeat of that? S-suppose they never catch the killer like before? We're all in danger around here." My parents and Aunt Bella said nothing because there was really nothing anybody could say. We were all very frightened, especially me.

Lana came home from the hospital and was living with her aunt, Jennifer. Shortly after she came home I visited her. She had changed a great deal since the murders which was understandable. Naturally, everyone felt sorry for her, because they knew she would never be the same again after the horror she had been through. She talked like she was drunk or something. Her voice was a bit slurred because of the tranquilizers she had to take. And, sometimes she looked like she was in a daze. I knew she was thinking about her family. Yet, she wouldn't talk about what happened.
There were times when we would be talking and she would start to cry. It didn't matter what we were talking about. Our conversation could've been about the weather, and suddenly Lana would burst into tears. If she didn't take the tranquilizers like she was supposed to she would start screaming for no reason at all.
I didn't stay long when I visited Lana. Especially after the last time when she broke down while I was with her. I will never forget that night as long as I live, because after that I knew my friend was gone forever, in mind and in spirit.
The last time I visited Lana it was Thanksgiving eve. We decided to go out for a walk that evening because the weather was unusually warm. I asked her to come home with me so we could get my sister, because Drew missed Lana just as much as I had.
When we were almost at my house I saw my family members leaving for the night so I called to them. They turned around and waved to Lana and I. Aunt Margeaux was lagging behind the others. She was just coming down the front steps when I called to her. "See you later, Aunt Margeaux!" I shouted. She looked at me and waved. Suddenly Lana froze in her tracks, and she had a horrified look on her face.
"The eyes," she whispered frightened. I barely heard her. "What did you say, Lana?" I asked her. She just stood there staring at Aunt Margeaux, and my aunt stared at her, too. Lana became very agitated, and she started trembling. "What's wrong, Lana?" I asked her. "It's alright. It's just my aunt, Margeaux. Come on. I'll introduce you to her."
Aunt Margeaux was still standing there watching us. I took Lana by the arm trying to guide her toward my aunt. But she yanked her arm away from me so hard I almost lost my balance. I could easily see that she was scared to death for some reason.
"The eyes," Lana whispered again, and after that she screamed! It was a terrifying scream from a terrified person, and all the while she was staring at Aunt Margeaux. "Lana!" I cried. "What is it? What's wrong?" No matter what I did I couldn't calm her down. People nearby came running over to us to see what was wrong. Lana couldn't be controlled. She was out of her mind with fear so someone ran to get Jennifer.
Lana fell to the ground still screaming. "The m-monster!" she cried deathly afraid. "I-it's the m-monster!" She kept on screaming and pointing to where my aunt had been standing. But by then Aunt Margeaux was gone. Someone called for an ambulance, and they took Lana to the hospital.
The doctors gave her a sedative when she got there. And, when she calmed down Jennifer was allowed to take her home. Whatever happened to Lana that evening sent her over the brink into insanity. A few days later some people from an asylum came and took her away. I couldn't shake the fact that she was alright until she saw Aunt Margeaux that night. Afterward she became hysterical, and I wondered why. Also, I felt a little guilty because if I hadn't insisted that we go out for a walk that night the whole thing wouldn't have happened.
She kept saying "the eyes" when she saw Aunt Margeaux that night. I recalled the night that the Reverend and Miss Becka Daniels came to our house unexpectedly, and Drew and I saw those eyes. "But where did Lana see them?" I wondered. I knew there had to be a reason why seeing Aunt Margeaux had terrified Lana so badly. "Why?" I wondered.
Neither Drew nor I had forgotten the night we saw Aunt Margeaux's horrifying, demonic eyes and we never would. Also, we would never forget how she looked at Miss Becka that night either. Later our Pastor and his wife were murdered inside their home. "Is there some connection here?" I wondered. When I told my sister what happened to Lana she began to wonder, too.
As far as anybody knew Lana had not seen the person or persons who killed her family. "If she did," I thought, "why did they spare her and none of the others?" Nobody knew for sure if she had seen the killer or not, because she hadn't said much of anything about the murders. When she did talk about them you had a hard time understanding what she was saying, because of the strong medicine that they gave her. She didn't make much sense.
As much as I tried to deny it I was sure that Lana had seen who murdered her family. She didn't scream and carry on like she did when she saw Aunt Margeaux for nothing. She was truly terrified! It was obvious that she'd seen my aunt before, and under circumstances that were not good.
I hoped one day Lana would be alright, and become her old self again. Yet, deep down in my heart I knew it wasn't going to happen, and in the end I was right. It never happened, and Jennifer had to have her committed. She telephoned me on the day that the people from the asylum were coming to get Lana so I could be there. I thought I would never stop crying, because I was saying good-bye to my friend forever.
They had no trouble with Lana, because they told her that they were taking her to see her family. Oblivious to the fact that they were all dead, except Alvin, she seemed happy as they lead her to the hospital's car. When they drove off I watched until the car disappeared from sight. I would never see Lana again.
Drew and I tried not to do it, but after what happened to Lana we became very suspicious of Aunt Margeaux again. We knew she loved us, and that she would never harm us. However, we felt like we couldn't trust her anymore. My sister and I knew that she had done something to Lana.
It will be available soon in all formats at online retailers and in book stores - Love to my fans, Miss Cheyenne Mitchell
There were times when we would be talking and she would start to cry. It didn't matter what we were talking about. Our conversation could've been about the weather, and suddenly Lana would burst into tears. If she didn't take the tranquilizers like she was supposed to she would start screaming for no reason at all.
I didn't stay long when I visited Lana. Especially after the last time when she broke down while I was with her. I will never forget that night as long as I live, because after that I knew my friend was gone forever, in mind and in spirit.
The last time I visited Lana it was Thanksgiving eve. We decided to go out for a walk that evening because the weather was unusually warm. I asked her to come home with me so we could get my sister, because Drew missed Lana just as much as I had.
When we were almost at my house I saw my family members leaving for the night so I called to them. They turned around and waved to Lana and I. Aunt Margeaux was lagging behind the others. She was just coming down the front steps when I called to her. "See you later, Aunt Margeaux!" I shouted. She looked at me and waved. Suddenly Lana froze in her tracks, and she had a horrified look on her face.
"The eyes," she whispered frightened. I barely heard her. "What did you say, Lana?" I asked her. She just stood there staring at Aunt Margeaux, and my aunt stared at her, too. Lana became very agitated, and she started trembling. "What's wrong, Lana?" I asked her. "It's alright. It's just my aunt, Margeaux. Come on. I'll introduce you to her."
Aunt Margeaux was still standing there watching us. I took Lana by the arm trying to guide her toward my aunt. But she yanked her arm away from me so hard I almost lost my balance. I could easily see that she was scared to death for some reason.
"The eyes," Lana whispered again, and after that she screamed! It was a terrifying scream from a terrified person, and all the while she was staring at Aunt Margeaux. "Lana!" I cried. "What is it? What's wrong?" No matter what I did I couldn't calm her down. People nearby came running over to us to see what was wrong. Lana couldn't be controlled. She was out of her mind with fear so someone ran to get Jennifer.
Lana fell to the ground still screaming. "The m-monster!" she cried deathly afraid. "I-it's the m-monster!" She kept on screaming and pointing to where my aunt had been standing. But by then Aunt Margeaux was gone. Someone called for an ambulance, and they took Lana to the hospital.
The doctors gave her a sedative when she got there. And, when she calmed down Jennifer was allowed to take her home. Whatever happened to Lana that evening sent her over the brink into insanity. A few days later some people from an asylum came and took her away. I couldn't shake the fact that she was alright until she saw Aunt Margeaux that night. Afterward she became hysterical, and I wondered why. Also, I felt a little guilty because if I hadn't insisted that we go out for a walk that night the whole thing wouldn't have happened.
She kept saying "the eyes" when she saw Aunt Margeaux that night. I recalled the night that the Reverend and Miss Becka Daniels came to our house unexpectedly, and Drew and I saw those eyes. "But where did Lana see them?" I wondered. I knew there had to be a reason why seeing Aunt Margeaux had terrified Lana so badly. "Why?" I wondered.
Neither Drew nor I had forgotten the night we saw Aunt Margeaux's horrifying, demonic eyes and we never would. Also, we would never forget how she looked at Miss Becka that night either. Later our Pastor and his wife were murdered inside their home. "Is there some connection here?" I wondered. When I told my sister what happened to Lana she began to wonder, too.
As far as anybody knew Lana had not seen the person or persons who killed her family. "If she did," I thought, "why did they spare her and none of the others?" Nobody knew for sure if she had seen the killer or not, because she hadn't said much of anything about the murders. When she did talk about them you had a hard time understanding what she was saying, because of the strong medicine that they gave her. She didn't make much sense.
As much as I tried to deny it I was sure that Lana had seen who murdered her family. She didn't scream and carry on like she did when she saw Aunt Margeaux for nothing. She was truly terrified! It was obvious that she'd seen my aunt before, and under circumstances that were not good.
I hoped one day Lana would be alright, and become her old self again. Yet, deep down in my heart I knew it wasn't going to happen, and in the end I was right. It never happened, and Jennifer had to have her committed. She telephoned me on the day that the people from the asylum were coming to get Lana so I could be there. I thought I would never stop crying, because I was saying good-bye to my friend forever.
They had no trouble with Lana, because they told her that they were taking her to see her family. Oblivious to the fact that they were all dead, except Alvin, she seemed happy as they lead her to the hospital's car. When they drove off I watched until the car disappeared from sight. I would never see Lana again.
Drew and I tried not to do it, but after what happened to Lana we became very suspicious of Aunt Margeaux again. We knew she loved us, and that she would never harm us. However, we felt like we couldn't trust her anymore. My sister and I knew that she had done something to Lana.
It will be available soon in all formats at online retailers and in book stores - Love to my fans, Miss Cheyenne Mitchell
Monday, July 11, 2011
My novels to be on sale this Summer entitled "THE COVERING" about two teenage sisters, Celia and Drew Bellis, who through many horrors, discover a terrifying secret about their family members that you wouldn't believe in your wildest imaginations. Also, "SYROIA" the story of a Arquito Desmunde, who is tormented by the spirit of a murderer believed to be long dead. But learns it is another murderer's spirit who is behind all of his torment. My novels are designed to keep you glued to every exciting page of the novel as well as keep you wondering what is going to happen next. "THE COVERING" and "SYROIA" are published by Author House Publishers and will be available in paperback, hardcover and as an ebook. I promise you that you cannot go wrong with reading these two novels. They are not like any other supernatural thrillers that you have ever read, or for that matter ever will read. They are also designed to entertain you as well. I believe that all supernatural thrillers should be filled to the brim with suspense, mystery and excitement. They should keep you wondering what is going to happen next. If they don't they are not worth reading. Any novel or story starts with the idea for that story in the first place. Then there are the never ending notes that you jot down, maybe some will wake you up in the middle of the night, and you have to write it down. Keeping notes for your story is very important, because if you don't write them down you will forget them, trust me. It's happened to me many times and I was so sorry. Because the idea would have been a good one. Is there a Writer inside you? Not everyone can sit down and write a novel, just like everyone cannot sing, or act. It has to be inherent to you as a person. It's a gift! A gift that only God can instill in a person. And sometimes it takes years to write a novel. So be prepared if you think you have what it takes to be an Author/Novelist/Entertainer. If you have it you have it and if you don't you don't. Either way you will know believe me. Is there an idea in your head for a novel? Is there a story in your head you want to tell? Please! The market is already glutted with "HOW TO" books so we definitely don't need anymore of those. These are NOT Authors/Novelists. It is not a "GIFT" to sit down and write telling people "HOW TO" do something. And I am sure many people will agree with me on that. We are talking about telling a story, a supernatural story filled with thrills and excitement and it is NOT easy to do if you don't have that gift.
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